Capsules for male power

Buy capsules Alfazone

Capsules Alfazone

Order Alfazone

Discount -50%

The possibility of erectile dysfunction bothered every man at least once in his life. Alfazone capsules are specially created to solve a wide range of men's problems. Alfazone has been clinically tested and contains natural ingredients.

Where to buy capsules in Slovenia?

Alfazone is not sold in pharmacies to avoid the possibility of counterfeiting such an important drug. It can be purchased on the official website for the price of {45 €. With a suggested discount of 50 percent. The order is made through the form with the phone number and name.

Doctor's recommendations

Doctor Urologist-andrologist Nada Doctor Nada
29 years
As a reason for a poor erection, there may be problems appearing in the brain, the body's cardiovascular or hormonal systems. Alfazone capsules, which have been made available to men in Slovenia, comprehensively and gently solve men's problems with no side effects due to their natural composition. Capsules allow you to refuse alcohol as a stimulant, increase the time of sexual intercourse. The drug has passed numerous tests and has already proven its effectiveness.
before applying Alfazone

A new look at male potency problems with Alfazone

Today, the opinion of doctors about the nature of male sexual problems has changed somewhat. Previously, problems with erection (and consequently with potency and lust) are more of a psychological nature (nervous strain, complex, hectic pace of life, etc. ). It was found that this is not entirely true: the root of these problems also lies in the field of cardiovascular disease, spinal and pelvic injuries, disorders of the peripheral nervous system and the hypothalamic-pituitary system. For example, in violations of cerebral circulation, caused, inter alia, by a stroke, innervation is reduced, which affects sexual function in general, erection and potency in particular.

With the improper functioning of the adrenal glands, which are responsible for 66% of the production of androgens, or the thyroid gland, the power deteriorates. With poor liver function, especially in relation to alcohol abuse, the metabolism of sex hormones is distorted, which can cause testicular dysfunction. Atherosclerosis and hypertension, injuries, dystrophic phenomena give circulatory disorders and poor erection. For any of the above reasons, chemotherapy-based drug therapy may be prescribed, which may adversely affect the erection without providing a noticeable improvement.

Benefits of Alfazone

The natural preparation Alfazone has a mainly etiotropic effect, promotes easy relief of male sexual problems without addiction and in a short time, thanks to the unique ingredients, the use of which has been confirmed by centuries-old practice of traditional medicine and clinical trials. Alfazone can help with more than a dozen different types of erectile dysfunction. Other drugs are typical representatives of symptomatic treatment: they act on the symptoms of the disease for a short time, and not on the cause of the disease.

Type of treatment Explanation Etiotropic Treats the causes of the disease (Alfazone) immunostimulatory Affects the patient's immune system pathogenetic Affects the very mechanism of the disease symptomatic Stops disease syndromes with short-term improvement, sometimes

Alfa Zone male potency capsules, their composition

  • Damiana extract

    damiana extract in Alfazone

    It has a very complex chemical composition, the experience of using it as an aphrodisiac dates back to the time of the Mayan Indians. The extract discovered essential oils, flavonoids, damianin, tannin, eucalyptol, thymol, apegenin, etc. , which create a relaxing and stimulating effect, restoring libido and reproductive function. Mexicans have been drinking tea from this plant for centuries as a remedy for premature ejaculation, impotence and high blood pressure. Damiana extract in Alfazone capsules improves blood circulation to the genitals, increases sensitivity, slows down processes in the gastrointestinal tract, stops increased appetite, lowers blood sugar levels. The latter allows you to reduce weight, which also contributes to increased sexual desire and overall energy. Has a strong erection.

  • Ginseng

    ginseng at Alfazone

    The plant belongs to aphrodisiacs, stimulates sexual function in several ways. Ginseng at Alfazone stops stagnant processes in the pelvis, which appear due to a sedentary lifestyle. Taking it as part of Alfazone improves blood circulation, which helps restore erection and increase libido. The substance is a natural stimulant of nervous activity without getting used to it and without side effects. This gives self-confidence, stops depressive mood due to the high pace of modern life and chronic fatigue, which directly affect the erection. The saponins contained in the capsules also create a strong power. The general chemical composition with many vitamins creates the preconditions for improving the quality of sperm, prolonging sexual intercourse and increasing their number. The Alfazone medicine course allows you to get the optimal amount of nutrients from ginseng.

  • ZINC

    Alfazone contains zinc

    With the help of this element about three hundred enzymes are synthesized, it is involved in the work of the hormonal and immune system. Zinc in Alfazone regulates: the functioning of the cardiovascular system, blood sugar levels, brain function in terms of motor activity and wind perception. The substance does not accumulate in the body, therefore, its constant uptake from the outside is necessary. To improve strength and increase libido, zinc in Alpha Zone capsules is useful as it neutralizes the aromatase enzyme, which affects the production of female estrogen, has a strong antidepressant effect, reduces fatigue, cleanses blood vessels, creates conditionsfor a fast and strong condition. erection. The element in Alfazone capsules has a pronounced antioxidant effect, protecting the prostate, testicular cells, sperm from oxidative effects, which is especially important for men who abuse alcohol and tobacco. Facilitating zinc deficiency increases libido, creates the preconditions for improving sex hormone synthesis and erection.

Alfazone can not be ordered from a pharmacy chain in Slovenia, because there is a high possibility of counterfeiting and Slovenia is no exception. Any man can order the capsules on the official website. The price {45 €. Is quite reasonable. For this money, you can buy a natural remedy to improve strength, erection and increase libido with fast action and no side effects.

Where can I buy Alfazone in Slovenia?

Cities in Slovenia where you can buy Alfazone

Alfazone in LjubljanaAlfazone in Portoroz
Alfazone in Maribor
Cities in Slovenia